Chappies (Mozambique BTL Activation)

Inter-school competition in partnership with Ministry of Education, Mozambique.

Our Role

E&M Creative Agency is partnering with the Ministry of Education in Mozambique to run a school program where over 84 secondary schools will compete in a GK Quiz contest to win a technology classroom. The objective is to drive the “Surprise Your Mind” platform by engaging students and fostering learning through curiosity. Participants buy a Chappies, visit the website or fill out a physical form, answer DYK questions, and enter their details. The top 20 schools will be selected for a game show, which follows an eliminator format with 8 quarter-finals, 4 semi-finals, and 2 finalists, culminating in one winning school receiving a tech classroom equipped with 2 laptops, 1 desktop, 1 ST projector, and a speaker system.

Running a school program in partnership with MoE (Ministry of Education) Mozambique where 84+ Secondary Schools will participate in a GK Quiz contest to win a Technology classroom.

Why are we doing this?

Our key objective is to drive the creative platform of “Surprise Your Mind” through engaging participation mechanics that pave way for learning through triggering curiosity.

How will this work?
  • Buy a Chappies
  • Visit or fill in the physical form by answering DYKs
  • Enter your details and submit
Game show selection
  • Top 20 schools selected to participate in Game Show
  • Eliminator format
  • 8 QF, 4 SF, 2 Finalists
  • 1 winner
Grand Prize

Tech classroom for winning school

  • 2 x laptops
  • 1 x desktop
  • 1 x ST projector
  • 1 x speaker system
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